Film Studies

· @tasali · ELIT321, Week 2-2

Understanding the types of montage.

Projecting human behavior on to a film requires an understanding how we see things and create the whole by comparing the whole.

There 5 different type of montage/editing styles that Einsteinsen defined.


Editing follow a specific number of frames (based purely on the physical nature of time.) cutting to the next shot no matter what is happening within the image.

This produces the most basal and emotional of reactions in the audience.


Cutting based on time, but using the visual composition of the shots—a long with a change in the speed of the metric cuts. Once sound was introduced, rhythmic montage also included audible elements (music, dialogue, sounds).

More complex meaning than what is possible with metric montage.


Uses the emotional meaning of the shots—not just manipulating the temporal length of the cuts or its rhythmical characteristics.

To elicit a reaction from the audience even more complex than from the metric or rhythmic montage.


The accumulation of metric, rhythmic, and tonal montage = synthesis.

To synthesize its effect on the audience for an even more abstract and complicated effect.


Uses shots which, when combined, elicit an intellectual meaning.

Symbolic association/metaphor meaning does not exist in the individual shots; it only arises when they juxtaposed.

These are from slides. Today’s class was a bit crowded with unrelated topics.